Our Story
Our beginning
Unley Allies with First Nations People Inc formed in 2021, initially known as The Unley Uluru Statement from the Heart Support Group Inc with its prime focus of supporting and promoting Australia’s First Nations’ endeavours for Voice, Truth and Treaty as laid out in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
75 people attended the initial launch event on the 11th of April 2021.
First Nations’ elder Nolan Hunter was sent from the Uluru Statement’s leadership team to provide the background to the Statement that had been agreed to at a historic meeting held at Uluru on 26th of May 2017 of 250 First Nations representatives from all around the nation.
Guest speaker: Nolan Hunter, Bardi Man, Member of the Uluru Statement Team and former CEO of the Kimberly Land Council.
Frank Wanganeen (left), Kaurna / Nurungga Man, had earlier welcomed everyone to country.
The Referendum
When a Referendum to enshrine a First Nations Voice in the Constitution was first discussed in late 2022, the Unley Uluru Support Group mobilised to support the Yes campaign through community education sessions, community conversation groups, disseminating information at community markets, doorknocking, and holding special events in the City of Unley.
Notably 400 people gathered at the History is Calling Event on 17 March 2023 to hear a panel of First Nations speakers including special guest: Teela Reid, a Wiradjuri and Wailwan woman, Harvard graduate, and First Nations Lawyer.
Unley Allies for First Nations People Inc
Naturally the loss of the Referendum was a huge disappointment for all of our members, and for the ensuing year we reflected upon the group’s purpose going forward. Thus, at the AGM held on 22 September 2024, the group agreed to a new name: Unley Allies for First Nations People Inc, and a new set of Objectives (scroll down to read).
Unley Allies meet monthly to be better informed, plan events, research and promote First Nations presence in the City of Unley, develop communication strategies and build allegiances with other like minded groups and individuals in South Australia.
More than 100 people are active members of Unley Allies, and more than 500 people are on our mailing list. Each monthly meeting is attended by around 25 people; with more people attending special events. We are always open to new members and supporters.
Unley Allies meet on the first Monday of each month (February to December) from 7pm to 8:30pm at the Unley Uniting Church. Meetings are chaired by Tony Roach.
1. To broaden the knowledge and understanding of First Nations history, culture and aspiration,
2. To support self-determination, truth-telling and agreement-making in keeping with the spirit of the Uluru Statement from the Heart,
3. To memorialise and celebrate the presence of First Nations people within the City of Unley, and
4. To promote a united Australia which respects this land, values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage and provides justice and equity for all.
Our Action Groups:
First Nations in Unley History
- First Nations Walking Trail in Unley
- Working with the Unley Museum, Library and Council
- Researching First Nations history
- Updating existing History display
Truth-telling Engagements
- Reflecting on the changing landscape
- Convening community forums
- Updating our existing presentation to community groups
- Organising public events (eg History Month)
Wider Connections
- Enhancing our information sharing (website, social media and email communications)
- Developing our connections with First nations people
- Strengthening our relationship with Unley Council
- Contributing to the SA Allies Network
- Developing State and National links (eg. to SA First nations Voice to parliament)