Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in our ongoing meetings and events. This includes people who live, work, or belong to a group in Unley. And people from outside of Unley who are seeking to learn about, and promote the Statement from the Heart in their local region.
As a not-for-profit incorporated organisation we are required to have financial members who can vote to make formal decisions when required. Members defined in our formal constitution are persons who have agreed to accept our aims and objects. There is an annual fee of $10 (due by 30 June each year) which is a small way of ensuring that we have some cash for ongoing expenses.
What We Do
Presentations to community groups, businesses & schools
Hold public events that promote Truth and Justice
Kaurna interest group: Researching Kaurna footprint in Unley LGA
Inform and grow Allies of First Nations people
Our aims and objectives:
1. To broaden the knowledge and understanding of First Nations history, culture and aspiration,
2. To support self-determination, truth-telling and agreement-making in keeping with the spirit of the Uluru Statement from the Heart,
3. To memorialise and celebrate the presence of First Nations people within the City of Unley, and
4. To promote a united Australia which respects this land, values the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Heritage and provides justice and equity for all.